How to: crochet chain stitch

Are you a crochet newbie? We got you. This quick video will help you get started with the most basic crochet stitch, showing you how to create a foundation chain.

Are you a crochet newbie? We got you. This quick video will help you get started with the most basic crochet stitch, showing you how to create a foundation chain.

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Are you a crochet newbie? We got you. This quick video will help you get started with the most basic crochet stitch, showing you how to create a foundation chain.

See the step by step guide here
Level: Beginner
Craft: Crochet
Type: Technique

Step by Step


Step 1

Make a slip knot and place it over your hook.


Step 2

Hold the hook in your right hand and the yarn in your left.


Step 3

Take the yarn over the hook and gently slide the end of the hook to pull the strand of yarn through the loop, sliding off the old loop. You have now chain 1 stitch.


Step 4

Repeat step 3 to make as many chains as required.