Good planets are hard to find – so let’s take care of the one we’ve got. It’s easy, we promise. While there are many ways to make a positive impact on the environment, we’ve started small and gathered our top ten tips from us all at WATG HQ  that are simple to start working into your daily routines.

Swap Plastic for Cotton. LIVIA’S TIP: I walk from the grocery store back to my flat, and it’s the worst when your plastic bag breaks mid-trip. Since I’ve started using my Alpaca tote, it’s been smooth sailing.FIND OUT MORE: If you’re wondering why those pesky plastic bags are so bad for the environment, you can read more about it here

TURN OFF THAT TAP. LENA'S TIP: “I’m guilty of taking pretty long showers. To keep those a part of my morning routine, I’ve become really good at turning off my tap when I’m brushing my teeth or doing the dishes.”WHO’S DOING IT: In Colgate’s Every Drop Counts campaign, they shared that we could each be saving 8 gallons of water every day by simply turning off the tap when we brush our teeth.

PLASTIC WATER BOTTLES ARE SO PASSÉ. JADE'S TIP: “I bring my Soma water bottle everywhere. Plus, in the long run I think I’ve saved money since I don’t buy a daily plastic water bottle from the shop anymore.”GET INVOLVED: Whether you go glass, aluminum, or BFA-free plastic – read more about safe water bottles here, and get hydrating!

OPT FOR VINTAGE OVER FAST FASHION. ALICE'S TIP: “I have this theory that when I donate my unwanted clothes to charity, the next time I’m thrifting, I have better luck finding those perfect pieces. It’s a win win!”WHO’S DOING IT: Born out of a desire to embrace sustainable fashion, The Uniform Project challenges you to wear one dress for 365 days – only accessorising with vintage, handmade or reused pieces. In 2009, the ambitious project raised over 100k for the education of underprivileged children in India.

SHOP LOCAL. CLARA'S TIP: “My trip to Borough Market is now my weekend tradition! Plus, I always end up with a fun new veggie to try, which makes my meals during the workweek a fun surprise.”GET INVOLVED: Find a local food market near you here!

MOVE THOSE FEET. BEN'S TIP: “I try to walk to work a few times a week if I’m not running late. It’s nice to get some fresh air before the start of the work day - plus, I’m saving tons on transport.”FIND OUT MORE: On this handy Cycle to Work Calculator, you can easily see how much money you’ll save with your eco-friendly commute.

MOVE THOSE FEET. ALEX'S TIP: “I’ve made it 25 years without being stung by a bee. It’s a major feat and I swear that the Lavender in my garden is my good karma. I help them, and they don’t sting me!”FIND OUT MORE: When you donate to Friends of the Earth they’ll send you a Bee Saver Kit, including British Wildflower seeds that are the bee’s knees!

SAVE IT FOR LATER. FIONA'S TIP: “Invest in Tupperware! If you overcook it's no biggie, you can just store it in the freezer and heat it up when you're feeling a bit lazy. Saving food, energy and time! I like the glass ones, they're easier to clean and safer than plastic.”

GET INVOLVED: We love these Eco Lunchboxes that are plastic-free – healthy for you and the planet.GREEN FINGERS. QUOTE: “I’m a total plant lady. From my giant fig tree to tiny cacti, my flat is slowly becoming my own little jungle.”

WHO’S DOING IT: Apartment Therapy put together their top rooms with plants, which is filled with great decorating ideas for your new green friends.

RECYCLE. UPCYCLE. ABI'S TIP: “I love making useful things for my home with materials lying around. Just the other day, I used old mason jars to make candles.”GET INVOLVED: Use those jeans that are feeling a little snug to crochet these pots for your plants.

Do you have any eco tips we’ve missed that are already a part of your day-to-day? If so, share with us below!



  1. Fill a birdfeeder with all those odds and ends of yarn and hang it outside. It’ll look pretty and the birds will take out bits to build cosy and colourful nests.

  2. If you have the plastic bags laying around from previous brown practices, use the material in them to make a great reusable tote for groceries or whatever you need to carry. I’ve quilted them, knit them, and crocheted them into sturdy bags that hold enough to make a difference. and they are mostly cute or pretty. Use what you have.

    • That’s a great tip – we’d love to see your knit/crochet totes – sounds great!

  3. One extra thing I do is take old t-shirts make them into strips and make comfy rugs with them, and the pieces to short for weaving get used to tie up plants to their supports, unlike cord and other string, it doesn’t damage the stems.

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