Meet The Gang – Rosie, Web Developer

WATG HQ – it’s where the magic happens. We have an incredible team working away behind the scenes to bring you the knitty gritty and we want you to meet them. First up it’s our little beam of sunshine, Rosie.


SO what’s your job AT WATG HQ, rosie?

I’m a web developer – all the techie code stuff.

Say what?!

Alongside the rest of the tech team, my job is to maintain and update the website. This is hugely varied and my day can jump from a ‘front-end’ (user-facing) task like tweaking the way the homepage looks and behaves, to working behind the scenes on a ‘back-end’ task like building a new way for the shipping options be applied to orders at checkout. It’s very varied. In my spare time I also have a tendency to hide things around the site…

Note: Type YARN BOMB! into the search bar on the Wool and the Gang homepage OR click on the aeroplane icon at the top of the navigation bar for a for a little taste of Rosie’s treats : )

How did you get here?

Sort of by accident. I graduated from UCL in 2013 with a degree in History of Art and absolutely no technical knowledge. I attended an evening course in basic programming with Code First: Girls that summer which got me hooked on the whole code thing. It then lead to a place on a training scheme with Funding Circle who put me in touch with The Gang. I haven’t looked back since…


It’s totally ok to mess up! I don’t think I know any developer who has not, at one point, made one of those ‘Whoops I’ve seem to have brought down the website’ moments. I certainly have. In a work landscape where the tools we use are constantly changing, it’s a part of the way you learn. (Though obviously don’t try to break anything.)

What’s the best thing about working at Gang HQ?

Being able to knit/crochet at my desk whilst I’m trying to work out what on earth is going wrong with all my code.

What’s the first thing you do when you arrive in the morning?

The tech team have a stand-up meeting every morning where we discuss everything we did the previous day, and the things we are going to do that day. It’s really good to keep track of the what everyone else is doing so you can collaborate and help each other when needed. Though of course before this I need to make a cup of tea (Earl Grey or PG, depending how much it’s raining).

What’s the soundtrack to your working day?

Sissy That Walk by the fabulous Ru Paul – all newsletters are produced to this soundtrack.

How do you rate your knit and crochet skills?

Fairly ok? I recently crocheted up the Jackson Backpack – and it was my first attempt at crochet. Pretty chuffed with that!

What’s your superpower?

Ideally I’d like to fly – but I wouldn’t mind the ability to stop time for a cheeky post lunch nap ; )

What’s your spirit yarn?

Sugar Baby Alpaca – it’s just so warm and cuddly!

Any purls of wisdom to share?

Eat honey with your peas, I’ve done it all my life.
It makes them taste quite funny, but it keeps them on the knife.

Tell us a joke.

What does cheese say when it sees itself in the mirror?

If you’re interested in getting into tech, Rosie will be speaking (and very probably knitting) about making a career move as part of a panel at the Code First: Girls conference in October.
She’s also a keen blogger – you’ll find her here talking about her twin passions of knitting and coding and how the WATG website works.






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